Artwork Reproduction & Restoration

Art Work Reproduction

If you need high resolution printing or reproduction services, Papakura Picture Framers can service your needs. Combining full digital and film photographic services on site, we understand that when it comes to art, photography, and design work, only the best will do when you need to reproduce and print your work. Our skilled photographers and digital imaging experts pay attention to every detail utilising our large range professional photographic equipment and archival inkjet printers to ensure we reproduce your work as accurately as possible.

If you already have your image captured on film or on a transparency, we can create a digital image using our scanning facilities.

One of the most important elements of high resolution reproduction, especially in fine art giclee reproduction, is accurately capturing the image in a digital file.

Photo Restoration

We offer photo restoration and retouching services utilizing state-of-the-art computer equipment and software. The restoration process is digitally performed by our in-house artists, and your original photos remain untouched. Repairs include removing creases, tears, mold, yellowing, stains and water damage.  Faded and discolored photographs can be colorized and enhanced to reflect their original appearance and color brilliance. Once restoration is complete, we print a new archival photograph suitable for framing. The digital file of your restored photograph is archived on our computer system and also burned to a CD for your own use. Consider having us print multiple copies of your photograph to give to other family members.

Call us on: 09 297 7285 to get started with your photo project today.